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AISI Reacts to Proposal to Use Steel in Barrier at Border

AISI Reacts to Proposal to Use Steel in Barrier at Border

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to media questions, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) supported statements this weekend from President Trump that any potential barrier at the U.S. southern border should be made of steel. The following quote is from Thomas J. Gibson, president and CEO of AISI:

“Steel is readily available and is an innovative material that lends itself to a number of creative design solutions like the steel barrier. Steel’s strength and durability make it the preferred material of choice – whether it be for construction, like a barrier, or for cars, cans, transportation infrastructure, national security…the list is endless. There are several applications and technologies which could be used to produce an all-steel solution for a potential barrier, which could consume as much as three million tons of steel according to our assessment.”

Source from: www.steel.org

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